Ma. Celia Elena Villanueva –  Back Office Analyst, Dispute Intake Analyst

Hi, I’m Celia and this is my story.

I was born to a middle-class family on June 19, 1996. Life was all fun and games, never had a care in the world. Everything felt perfect until October of 2009, when I woke up one morning to find my mother and my younger brother nowhere in sight. I searched the whole house, every nook and cranny but failed to find them. I went to my parent’s room to find my dad, on the edge of the bed crying and blankly staring at a piece of paper. “She left” my dad softly said. The paper held my mother’s reason for leaving and why she only took my brother with her.

I couldn’t believe what my father told me, I thought everything was some sort of prank that they’re pulling. I went to my mother’s closet to find all her clothes gone, only her wedding dress was all that was left. It dawned on me that it’s true, she’s gone and left us behind. I cried for days, I slept with her picture in my arms. I hoped one day to wake up and she’ll be right next to me, but days and years passed.

Two months later, we moved out of the city and started a new life in the province. We stayed at my paternal grandparents’ home until our house construction was completed and had to stop schooling till the next academic year since we weren’t allowed to enroll in the middle of the school year.

Life in the province was peaceful, the air was clean and fresh. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I felt at ease, calmness engulfed me and made me somehow forget about what happened with my mom. Two weeks after arriving and settling in, my grandfather died of Leukemia. He was in the ICU for a week before he succumbed to his illness. Another wave of sadness made its way to me, another family member left me.

Six years later, My Dad died on August 25, 2015. Complications with Diabetes and Cardiac Arrest were the cause of his passing. I was 19 at that time. Still trying to understand the world, still unsure of what the future holds for me. Six years after leaving us, I saw my mother again for the first time. The scene looks as though it came out of a movie. She arrived at my father’s wake, the doors opened, and she came in bawling her eyes out and screaming his name. I lost it at that point, I cried harder this time more so when I found out about my father’s passing.

My Mom stayed with us just for a month before she flew out back to where she was. I never held any grudges against my mom for what she did before and never bad-mouthed her in any way. We still talk from time to time; I haven’t seen her in years but the love is still there. People who know my story would often comment on how it’s like a dramatized film, like how stories happen in TV shows/dramas.

My experiences taught me a lot about life. People come and go; grudges would only hold you back. Always learn to forgive and time will heal you from all the pain.

I’m happy with my life right now. I may be a single mom with a Dennis the Menace-like Son, but I’m happy and content with the people around me and the support and love that I receive from my new life partner.

For a copy of Celia’s resume please click here.