Shiella Artajo – Accounting, Budgeting, Payroll

shiella-artajo-vaI’m Shiella Mae Artajo, my family calls me by my nickname “Maymay”. I just turned 24 and I am the firstborn of Mr. Franklin and Mrs. Arnilo Artajo. I graduated in 2020 with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management at Capitol University. I was a working student at our school and at the same time working outside our school as a service crew. I was really scared back then when I started college as a working student. I doubted myself in everything I did because I didn’t have the confidence, but I did survive. I graduated with an endeavour award (award for being a student assistant for 4 years with no failed subjects). The hardest part was not being able to wear my toga and go on stage to receive my diploma and medal. The graduation ceremony that I’ve been waiting 5 years didn’t happen due to covid. I thought after I graduated everything would be alright, but I was wrong. The reality hit me so hard, that I was so depressed for months due to cancelled graduation and being unemployed. It made me realise so many things; the start of the real world is after you graduate college. You will think about your future; the things you need to achieve in order to provide for your family.

I got back to my feet and started to apply again and luckily, I was hired as an accounting staff in a shipping company, but after 5 months of working, I decided to leave due to the new location of the main office which is too far from my house. One month has passed, and I was able to find a job which is my current job now as a payroll/billing officer. The work is not easy since I don’t have any experience with the job, but I studied, did research, and think about how to make my work easier for me. When it came to the working environment, it was not hard for me to adapt. I was able to understand the employees, the company’s culture, and shiella-artajo-vaworkflow. The experience that I had back then as a student assistant and as a service crew helped me a lot. It improved my communication skills and taught me how to handle every task, organize, have character, and manage time.

I started searching about virtual assistants and remote work. I saw a post about it and got curious since I really wanted to work at home. I thought it is more convenient for me to work at home with no hassle of commuting and less expenses at the same time they give more opportunities. Now, I continue self-study gaining more knowledge and ideas on the position I want to apply for.

I know there is a huge difference between working remotely from working outside the house but, I accept the challenge. I have worked in many different working environments over the past years and I know I will surpass it as I surpass all my experiences back then.

All I can say to myself now is that “you did great, and I know you will continue to do a good job”.

I am confident now that I can make an impact on a company and I will continue to deliver high-quality work.

For a copy of Shiella’s resume please click here.