File Management

Joanne Realin

Joanne Realin - Administrative Assistant Hi, my name is Joanne C. Realin. I am a mother of three beautiful kids and is married since June 2018. I started working at the age of 21. i had to quit school since my parents could no longer sustain my college education. I worked as an Admin Assistant for a local cable [...]


Nina Andrea Manipon

Nina Manipon - Administrative Assistant Hi. I’m Nina Andrea but people call me Nina so it would be better to address me that way. The years of my education were a roller coaster for me. Hence, I was just one of those girls who wanted to belong. I was having a hard time making myself feel that way. That's [...]


Liza Mae Torres

Liza Mae Torres - Administrative Assistant, ESL Well, let me start by saying that I love our furry friends, particularly cats. I like watching movies, playing computer games and eating at restaurants too. I also find nature sightseeing and swimming as fun outdoor activities. I also enjoy learning new and interesting concepts, ideologies and new technology. Moreover, teaching has [...]


Ann Loren Dingal

Ann Loren Dingal - Administrative Assistant Hello there! My name is Ann Loren Dingal, I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. I have been working in the Middle East for 14 years. The main reason why I am looking for a home based job is because I want to be with my family in the [...]


Angelica Joy Sumugat

Angelica Sumugat - Administrative Assistant Growing up, I always thought life would be so much easier. What I have in mind is when you have finished your studies, you’ll graduate, and eventually, you’ll get a job and become successful. But I was wrong – all of this comes with lots of struggles as you encounter them along the way. [...]

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