Asteria Galuri – Virtual Assistant, Teacher

Hi, my name is Asteria Galuri, but everybody calls me Aster. I am a mother of 3 children, 1 daughter and 2 twin boys. I have a degree in Psychology from Sanata Dharma University in Jogjakarta. I took Psychology because I am interested in psychological tests, and I want to know how the tests are made.

I worked as an HR staff after I graduated but only for about a month. The office was too far from my house, so I quit. I started to work as a Teacher after I resigned. I like it so much. I enjoy teaching students and I am proud if my students can achieve their milestones. I forgot to mention that I worked as a preschool teacher.

As a teacher, my job is not only to educate the students. We have lots of tasks. For example, making lesson plans, creating worksheets, creating interesting activities, and documenting their progress. I like all the tasks because I am an organized person. I am happy when my lesson plans can go exactly like I planned them. I am the kind of person who makes a list of all my activities and ticks them one by one after it is finished.

Besides teaching, my job as a teacher is also to communicate with the parents about their children’s progress. This is a challenging task because I am an introverted person. It is uncomfortable for me to talk to people that I do not know. It took time, but I managed to improve my communication skills. I learned a lot from my colleagues about how to communicate with parents and how to break a piece of bad news to them.

I resigned from my job because I had twins, and I didn’t have any house assistant or babysitter to take care of my children. As much as I love my job, my children are more valuable, so I chose to be a housewife. During my time as a housewife, it doesn’t mean that I lost my interest in organizing things. I like to organize my children’s activities, holidays and organize menus for my family.

Recently, I learned about Virtual Assistants. I think that I can be a Virtual Assistant. I took a Virtual Assistant course from SGB VA and I learned lots of things. I realized that I have lots of skills to catch up on because I have been in a gap year for ten years. But I like to learn new skills. Every day, I try to learn new tools that Virtual Assistant needs. I want to be a Virtual Assistant because I can do this job while I take care of my family. Also, I don’t have to do things that I don’t like. I just focus on my niches. My niche is administration tasks because I like to keep things in order. It is satisfying if you can turn chaos into manageable situations. I want to help people by doing what I like and becoming a Virtual Assistant is a way to do that. I hope I can help more people and keep learning to be a good Virtual Assistant. Thank you.

For a copy of Asteria’s resume please click here.