Elisa Santiago – Customer Service Specialist | General Virtual Assistant

Greetings! My name is Elisa Santiago- a daughter, a mother, and a wife, but all together a kid at heart. I hold an Associates Degree in Information Technology. Having worked in a conventional office environment, it never crossed my mind that remote work was an option, yet here I am, thankful for being introduced to this new way of working and embracing the challenges that come with it.

Much like everyone else, the beginning of 2020 was a shock to me. It was when the pandemic began to spread globally and it was definitely a period full of uncertainties. It was not only the fear of contracting the deadly virus that has worried me. As everyone was asked to stay home, I thought to myself, how will I be able to provide for my family’s needs and keep them safe? Fortunately, the company I belong to then started to shift to a work-from-home set up. If there was one good thing that came out of the pandemic, it was that employers and companies realized that we can be just as productive in the comfort of our homes.

Since then, I’ve taken on a variety of roles as a virtual assistant. From customer support and administrative assistance to delivery coordination and property management, I can say I gained a great deal of knowledge and skills. Being in this field, it has pushed me to be as resourceful as I can be. Learning something new is always something I am up for. This drives me to expand my skills and it not only helps me grow personally, but also allows me to adapt to different challenges and contribute more efficiently.

Working from home is fantastic,  and  I recognize my responsibility to maintain a good workspace, ensure a stable internet connection, and deliver high-quality results for the company. Making myself reliable is important to me, because I want to demonstrate that I can work independently while also collaborating effectively with a team.

My goal is to continually improve my craft, and that’s something I hold in high regard. I believe many mothers would agree when I say that we’ve often faced the difficult choice between pursuing our careers and spending quality time with our families. That’s why I am truly grateful to have found an opportunity where I don’t have to choose between the two. It means a lot to me to be able to advance my career while still being present for my loved ones.

For a copy of Elisa’s resume please click here.