Jairus Agabus Fulgencio – Customer Service, Subject Matter Expert

Greetings! My name is Jairus Agabus B. Fulgencio, and I would like to share with you that I had a rollercoaster ride of experiences, both personally and professionally. I never thought I would be in this position now.

I didn’t finish college, you see. I made it up to the fourth year of my Computer Engineering degree, but life had other plans for me. Despite that, I found myself diving into the world of BPO, thanks to my seven years of experience at Teleperformance, particularly in BarclaycardUS account. There, I progressed through a number of departments, including inbound calls for customer service, tech support, customer correspondence and with the email team. It was a good period of learning and adjustment.

After that, I made a big decision to switch and move to comGateway/Gateway Express Inc., where I worked for nine productive years. I handled emails and then was transferred to live chat, both in customer service; thereafter, the management has trusted me to be a Subject Matter Expert. Whether it was a parcel query or a shipping concern, or anything under the sun with regards to e-commerce and freight forwarding, I enjoyed helping individuals and finding solutions to their issues.

However, in December 2022, my company underwent restructuring or reorganization, and I chose to opt-out with the new contract with its lower pay and benefits. This was just another unexpected turn of events, and thus, I found myself without a job. It was difficult to be unemployed for more than a year, but I decided to look at it as an extended vacation. After all, I had worked non-stop for 16 years straight, and I deserved a break. On the other hand, although I have this job gap in my record, this has no bearing on my ability to do work effectively. I do just focus on what skills I can bring to the table and what problems I can solve.

Nevertheless, I have finally found an opportunity to work for Telus AI as a Personalized Internet Ads Assessor which is a freelancing gig. I truly appreciate this company that has chosen to trust me despite that I lack experience in this work field. It was a new challenge for me, but I accepted it wholeheartedly. My role is to evaluate and provide feedback on online ads to ensure they are relevant to the user’s query. Though it’s very different from my customer service work experience, I find fulfilment in the knowledge that I’m still having an impact—just in a different way.

Even though things don’t always go as planned in life, it’s our capacity to face setbacks and learn from them is what’s important. All of my experiences have led me to this point, where I am now: a loyal partner, a proud father of a nine-year-old boy, and a freelancer trying to find my place in the rapidly changing industries.

For a copy of Jairus’ resume please click here.