Jay Esperancilla – Team Leader and Electrical Engineer

VA Jay EsperancillaHi I’m Jay 🙂

I am a graduating Electrical Engineering student. I enjoy tinkering and logic-based puzzles such as Sudoku, Kakuro and Picross. Even as a young kid, I already knew I wanted to be an engineer. I would always disassemble my toys to see how they work. Often, I would remove an LED or motor and use it for a “project”. My first project was when I was about 7 – a fan using a motor and a Popsicle stick.

Growing up, I was a sickly kid – taking meds for my weak heart, weak lungs, and weak immune system. Thanks to my “Lola Lita” who raised me and showered me with her tender loving care, I got better, became stronger, and got rid of all of the meds.

I was a shy kid – really reserved and had a few close friends. Talking to people was a challenge for me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I’d work in a call center! But having to drop out of college to help send my siblings to school, BPO was my only choice.

As I worked as a call center agent, I was amazed with the managers and their ability to talk to and get along with their agents. So you could say I also never imagined I would be a manager. But after a year as an agent, my teammates encouraged me to apply for a managerial position. I did and got the job. 🙂

Being a manager was challenging. Having to work with 20+ different people, with different needs and attitudes, I never had a dull moment. 😉 I loved my work and strived hard to be the Top Manager in a pool of tenure managers.

I learned a lot from my 4 years in this important position. It taught me a lot about myself and how to deal with different people. And the most important thing I learned is that I should never be afraid to step out of my comfort zone, embrace change and see the good in every situation.

For a copy of Jay’s resume please click here.