Lhervy Claire Vales – Bookkeeping, Human Resource, Payroll

lhervy-claire-vales-va“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston S. Churchill

This is Lhervy Claire Vales, my family and friends call me ‘Lhervs’. A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology. I chose this course because a lot of people around me tell me “You are great in Mathematics, you should take Accounting”, which is not true. But I learned to love it along the way even if I failed in some subjects. I still learn to keep fighting.

I landed my first job in 2019 as an Accounting Assistant, but during the pandemic, I was terminated without prior notice. They wanted to limit the expenses by sizing down their workforce. Nevertheless, I received a call from the company after a month offering a Credit and Sales Accounting Analyst Position, which uses SAP Software in the same department which is Accounts Receivable. The owner saw my potential and after just 8 months, I was recommended to the HR director for the position of Human Resource Specialist – Compensation and Benefits and Payroll added to my work. I enjoyed working and gaining additional experience and skills and I was able to provide help to the team. But due to an excessive and exhausting workload, I got no time for myself and for my family anymore, and that’s when my mental health suffered without me knowing it. I suddenly didn’t want to do anything anymore and just lay down and sleep.

lhervy-claire-vales-vaI thought that the job was enough for me, but I realised that I am caging myself and was just afraid to get out of my comfort zone. I am not growing personally and professionally anymore. And due to exhaustion from work, not getting enough pay, and not having time for my family, I have decided to resign, take a break, and rest. I diverted my attention to work-from-home opportunities to help me have a work-life balance.

Since 2020, I have been interested in freelancing so that I can have more time for myself and my family; need to wake up early and go through draining traffic jams to and from work.

Knowing yourself will help you see what you’re capable of and discover what you really want to achieve. I can now say that I know myself as a dedicated and results-oriented person. I love to analyse every given task to have great time management and have a better work outcome. I am a fast learner and able to work independently or with a team.

I hope to learn more knowledge and skills and gain more experience while doing this kind of job.

For a copy of Lhervy ‘s resume please click here.