Ariel De Leon – Customer Service Representative, Virtual Assistant

Hi, I’m Ariel De Leon, but everyone calls me “A”. I’m a second-year college undergraduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Laguna University. I am just a regular person with big dreams. Life has thrown its curveballs at me, both personally and professionally, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.

For the past four years, I’ve been navigating the BPO industry, handling calls, resolving issues, and ensuring customer satisfaction. It was tough, but I’ve gained valuable skills and experiences. Even though I haven’t achieved anything grand yet, I believe in the importance of every step in the journey.

Recently, I completed a two-month Virtual Assistant training program, opening doors to new opportunities. Life has a funny way of leading you to unexpected places. I’ve always been a quick learner, ready to take on new challenges. Little did I know that this path would bring me to a place where I could reshape my career.

Let me share some life insights that I’ve gathered along the way. Life, to me, is about growth, learning, and building meaningful connections. It’s not just about achievements but also the lessons learned on the journey.

In my pursuit of personal and professional growth, I’ve come to understand the importance of a positive attitude, accountability, and giving your best in everything you do. I may not have a wall full of achievements, but I’m determined to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Recently stepping into the world of working from home as a Virtual Assistant is a new adventure for me. It’s a different ball game, but I’m excited about the opportunities it brings. I might not have a degree in Operations Management, but I bring my own set of skills and experiences to the virtual table.

From BPO expertise to completing a VA training program, I’m ready to embrace the challenges and contribute to a positive work culture. Life is a journey, and my journey is just beginning. I may not have it all figured out, but I’m determined to grow further in my career, acquire new skills, and apply them to both my work and life.

Time is precious, and by working from home, I aim to provide not just financially but also with the gift of time to my loved ones. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not about where you start but how far you’re willing to go. So, here’s to embracing the unknown, taking on new challenges, and carving a path towards a brighter future.

Cheers to the journey ahead!

For a copy of Ariel’s resume please click here.