Deanna Fritz Bulaon – Administrative Support

deanna-fritz-bulaon-vaHi my name is Deanna Fritz Bulaon, and here’s my story!

It was in 2007 when I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology. IT was not my first choice but eventually I was satisfied and content at the end. After months of searching for jobs here in the Philippines and training in a call center, an opportunity came when I had to visit my family in Saudi Arabia where I finished my Secondary Education in an International School. Nothing planned, but I was accepted as an Administrative Data Entry Clerk at a Hospital in the Kingdom. I experienced doing Data Entry, Transcription Jobs, Administrative Tasks and such. I was able to build my confidence given the situation that I got to speak both English and some basic Arabic language. Six months passed and I had to leave the country to go back to the Philippines because of certain circumstances.

In 2008, I got married. I had my first child in 2009 and became a full time mum since then. My life changed a lot. I was not able to continue my career professionally because I focused on being a wife and a mum of three. They say that being a mother is the noblest profession, no hours of work, always overtime. Throughout all of these experiences, I would say that I am fulfilled being a mum, but in the past year there were some realisations. “I needed a job! I want to have a job!” Many questions pop up in my mind and I thought of ways I can give my family a better future especially for my kids since my husband was diagnosed with Kidney disease and he undergoes dialysis twice a week.

deanna-fritz-bulaon-profileWork from home, online jobs, data entry, were almost on my social media feed every single day. I tried searching for online courses. One morning, I came across this academy offering a low cost freelancing online course and with no hesitation, I enrolled.

Last May 9, 2020, I finished a Freelancing Course and was able to experience tasks like Data Entry, Transcription, Social Media Management and Marketing, Appointment Setting and Calendar Management. I believe that the academy gave me the confidence I needed and be able to provide quality effective and efficient portfolios. Currently, I have been with the academy as an Intern and complying with the requirements as a General Virtual Assistant.

I am very interested and looking forward to greater opportunities in exploring the world of VAs. I am a passionate, hardworking, well-motivated and goal oriented person. This job will allow me to provide financially to my family and be able to give them a better and stable life in the future.

For a copy of Deanna’s resume please click here.