Julie Alegre – Customer Experience Specialist, Service Associate

julie-ann-alegre-vaMy name is Julie Ann because I was born on July 1, 1991 – it’s where my mum got my name from. But my friends like to call me Juls or just Jul without an “s”.

We all have our dreams as a child; but I’m still trying to figure out what’s mine, even now that I’m already an adult. I took up Communication Arts in a University but after a year and a half I transferred to a different University and shifted to BS Accountancy. But due to lack of study habits in College I decided to shift into another course again. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science Human Resource Development Management in 2014.

My very first Job was in a Construction Company. I was an Accounting Assistant back then. Second was in a Lending Company, related to my first job I’m assigned as Accounting Clerk. My third job was in the Food and Beverage industry where we sold Milktea and snacks. I was the Team Leader and that’s where I learned how to cook. I’m a fast learner! I would also sometimes do the dishes, clean the sink and most of the time I did the Barista work like mixing the teas we served to the customers. I became more flexible and became quite good at multitasking.

My most recent job experience was in a Bank for four years. During my first to second year I was assigned as a Customer Service Specialist in Makati City. I took calls from clients and sent emails regarding their concerns. Then the bank had an opening of a new Branch in my hometown which is in Bicol, so I applied for a transfer from the Customer Service Department to the Operations Department. I was assigned as a Bank Teller in the newly opened Branch in 2018.

That was the most challenging experience I’ve had yet, especially during this time of the Pandemic. Aside from healthcare workers, bank staff are also an essential employee during the Covid19 outbreak. Being one of the Front-liners is both rewarding yet too risky at the same time; we have to protect our own health and our family as well.

julie-ann-alegre-vaIn March 2020, the entire country was in lockdown. A lot of establishments were closed and many people were not allowed to go out, except those who are considered as an essential worker. As a Bank employee, we are still asked to report for work because we are included in the list of the Front-liners. There are no means of transportation during the lockdown so we walk to work. Lucky for me my house is just a few blocks away from my workplace. Even with all the strict compliance of the safety protocols, I, unfortunately, tested positive for Covid19 on August 6, 2020. We couldn’t trace who infected me, so we assumed that it came from the money from my transactions. I was isolated in a quarantine facility for 3 weeks.

That experience was surreal. I’m glad and proud that I survived the virus. I am still grateful that I didn’t lose my job even when I got sick. But then during my days in isolation, I had a lot of realisations… maybe there is a better opportunity out there for me.

Some people say that we should get out of our comfort zone. What really does ‘comfort zone’ mean? Maybe it’s our usual routine or a place we get so comfortable with, like for example, at home. I have been out of my comfort zone for a long time but it didn’t work for me. I think it’s time to take the leap of faith and be in it!

I was glad to hear from a friend of mine who told me about jobs with a work from home set up. It feels like a dream come true having to stay in the safety and comfort of our home for work. I admit I do love to stay in and spend time alone with my cats. It’s therapeutic and relaxing. Also, we tend to be more productive when we are in our ideal workspace.

It’s my pleasure sharing this information with you, and I thank you for the opportunity to work with you.

For a copy of Julie’s resume please click here.