Virtual Assistant

Clifford Romero

Clifford's journey, from pursuing education to excelling in the BPO industry as a Customer Service Representative and remote work as a Virtual Assistant, showcases resilience and adaptability. His story reflects the transformative power of unconventional dreams and unexpected life turns, emphasizing the rewarding nature of professional and personal growth.


Humais Waqar

Humais is a digital enthusiast and virtual assistant, is driven by turning ideas into reality and excels in administrative support, social media management, and adaptability. He is committed to exceeding expectations and creating a vibrant future in virtual assistance.


Hiba Van Dyk

Hiba is a bit of a jack of all trades. She has experience in proofreading, database management, customer service, basic design, and website management and uses platforms such as Canva, Simplero, Kajabi,, and Asana.

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