Jean Rivera – Customer Service Representative, Financial Adviser

jean-francis-rivera-vaHi! My name is Jean Francis Rivera, most of my family and friends call me Jean (sometimes pronounced as John).

I am a college undergraduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I got pregnant at a very young age of 18, and got pregnant with my second child the following year. That’s when I told myself it was time for me to start a career. I got motivated and driven to work harder and be a role model to my two children.

If you do not have a college degree in the Philippines, your only chance in life is to work in the BPO industry, and that is where I started. I learned that the most used skill you need to have, is effective communication using the English Language. I am glad I grew up watching Hollywood movies and listening to English songs.

I thought that when I got my first job, everything will be easy as pie. However, I was wrong to assume that way. The BPO industry is a never ending series of new learnings. I got promoted as a subject matter expert after my first month in production. Thinking it’s going to be easy again was wrong since I needed to exert extra effort to learn more than what a regular agent knows.

jean-francis-rivera-vaWhen I had the opportunity to work in a different company, I was able to acquire new skills and meet different types of people. I learned to be sensitive in life. I’ve grown to be a much better person with the help of my work experiences. I was able to communicate better. I learned that there are many types of customers that you may encounter. You will be able to profile them with the way they speak and the tone of their voice.

I must maintain my passion for helping people and my eagerness to learn new things. Give your utmost respect and sincerity to your customer and you will receive the same from them too. If you show integrity and resilience to your job, you will receive more than what you have given.

I look forward to working with you in the future. I hope to also learn from you. That is all for me for now, keep safe and hoping to hear from you soon.

For a copy of Jean’s resume please click here.