Lorelie Grondiano – Administrative Assistant, Account Officer

lorelie-grondiano-vaI am Lorelie Grondiano, I am 35 years old and married with one wonderful daughter named Shania Mia, my angel. We are nine in the family. I am fourth from the eldest. My father is a farmer while my mother is a great businesswoman, and they are more than 60 years of age.

We have an average life. It’s a struggle for us then when we were studying hehe. It’s fine for me if I don’t have money or food when I’m at school as long as my brain is fully prepared for classes.

I graduated with flying colors not because I am innate. Being smart is just a product of hard work, patience, and a countless sleepless night.
As for my hobby, I am just a homebody who loves to eat any type of fried chicken. I do love watching foreign movies that have a sequel and of course I love doing my makeup routines even I‘m just at home. As Bea Alonzo said (famous actress in the Philippines) “Do things that make you happy as long as you feel better”

I thought I would be lucky in my career but not, despite my hard work still being in the same phase, I married a simple man. He is the only son from his family that has a job and I am not stopping him from helping his family though for us it is also financially lacking.

I do want to work again, I dream to become an asset to the company. I am amazed by those who are very successful.

Optimistically It’s not the end of the battle for me, I don’t want to be content with a simple life, I want to give my family the best life I can offer. I want to achieve financial stability. For others it’s easy, but though I am struggling in reaching I will never stop, so I am walking out of my comfort zone to find a better job.

I am always pushing myself that if others can, why can’t I? Despite this strong determination I still have fear in my life and that is I don’t want to die young I want to witness the journey of my daughter, her success, tears, and laughter.
I want to ensure before I leave in this world I am assured she can live her own and there is somebody that would take care of and love her for the rest of her life.
I am overreacting. It just made me realize that life is too short. I want my family to always be happy no matter what the circumstance.

Let’s celebrate life. 🙂

For a copy of Lorelie’s resume please click here.