Marineth Gonzales – Customer Service Representative

marineth-gonzales-vaHi everyone. My name is Marineth Gonzales and for everyone who knows me they call me Neth.

Let me tell you something about myself. I am the youngest among four siblings. We all have our different families now but one thing is for sure, we keep in touch most of the time. My mother is a retired civilian navy employee and my father is now deceased. He was a retired security guard. We were financially stable until my parents decided to separate.

When my parents broke up, I saw how my mother and my eldest sister struggled to support my studies. That’s when I decided to look for a job and got hired as a crew staff in one of the finest fast food in our country.

As I grew older, I had an opportunity to work with a BPO industry. I have been working as a customer service representative for 8 years now and has handled numerous roles such as customer support over the phone, chat and emails, technical support, financial and even sales. In those years, I learned how to step out of my comfort zone and accept opportunities that will allow me to enhance my abilities. I always make sure that I give my best to whatever task is assigned to me.

marineth-gonzales-vaI also have experience with real estate where I worked as a cold caller, customer assistant and an encoder. I have a very strong leadership instinct and I always make sure to see the positive side of the situation. I am patient and dedicated to things and I am a person who works tirelessly to develop my skills and finish every task on time. I can tolerate conflicts and I am focused with my goals and my tasks.

I am a highly motivated type of person that has the presence of providing a positive vibe not just for me but for my team and customers on and off the job. I am also a detailed oriented person, with high levels of accuracy and reliability on the job.
I hope to get a job that will provide mutual benefits to me and the client that I will be working with in the future. To my future clients, I am more than willing to apply all the traits and abilities I have gained on my previous jobs.

My motto in life is: “Honor your commitments with integrity ”

For a copy of Marineth’s resume please click here.