Pinky Mae Dano – Sales and Development Representative

Hi. I’m Pinky Mae, but everyone simply calls me Pinky.

When I was young, we had a small business eatery and grew up in an environment where serving people is such a good feeling. I always looked up to my parents in handling customer service because they are actually really making a good profit. Everyone loves to come back because of good service, and that is the number one learning I have gained from my good teachers. As time went by, misfortune hit us and had to close our business.

When I was 18 years old, I started working as a service crew in a certain fast-food chain and earned knowledge and skills in handling customer service to enhance my capability as a worker. When I had my first job, I also had to stop studying because we were having financial problems but then again, I promised myself that someday, I will continue my studies because that’s the only thing no one could ever take away from me.

To make the story short, I have done customer service for two years and gained a lot of knowledge and skills. In my two years of working, many tasks were given to me even if it was totally out of my duty, but then the eagerness to learn pushed me to try new things that will help me someday. I have done personal reminders, dinner reservations, and even data entry if badly needed.

Now, I am a college graduate with a degree in Elementary Education. After I finished my degree, I looked for opportunities in the BPO industry because this has been my dream job since I was 18 years old. I had my BPO experience for six months as a Sales and Development Representative, within that period, I have learned other skills such as calendar and appointment management, email management, research assistance, and telemarketing. Though I have a short period of stay in my previous company, they have provided me with enough resources to utilise their uses and apply them to my daily tasks.

Honestly, I am still new in this industry but the reason why I pursued my career in this industry is because I want to become successful and passionate about what I do and it is to handle and assist other people or should I say, helping other people to make their work hassle-free. Given my introduction story, I always love to give good service because even though it’s not visible, you are spreading good vibes that will also give other people satisfaction.

Through my passion and dedication in assisting other people, I will definitely apply it to my journey as your Virtual Assistant because I do believe in hard-working and have room for improvement. Above all, I can assure you of my 100% commitment to every task I will be doing and submit my full responsibility to perform my duty.

For a copy of Pinky’s resume please click here.