Jhimcel Jorda – Executive Assistant

jhimcel-jorda-vaHello, I’m Jhimcel Jorda, most people call me Jhieng. I have a very lovely daughter, her name is AZ. isn’t that cute? The first and last letter of the Alphabet. I am a first-time mom and very happy to say that my little Dinosaur is giving e all the strength and courage to never give up on trying and learning.

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Travel and Tourism Management at Our Lady of Fatima University, and I also have a diploma in Culinary from American Hospitality Academy. Right after I graduated from college, I applied immediately to help and support my family. I started working as Customer Service Representative for a healthcare company that sells traditional and consumer-directed healthcare insurance and then after a year, I took a chance in transferring to one of the biggest network companies in the US handling Medium Business and Enterprise accounts.

I stayed in the company for more than 3 years as one of the order managers and then transitioned to being one of the escalation specialists. It was indeed one of the most exciting journeys for me because who would have thought that this girl that has no background in the corporate world could excel, learn, and grow. I was able to provide for my family and that’s why all the hard work and sleepless nights were worth it. My heart is happy, and content, and I have peace of mind.

jhimcel-jorda-vaI have learned so much from being nothing to something, I have now the courage to talk to other people without hesitation and doubt whether it’s virtual or through a call, I have learned how to handle escalations, and provide updates every day with solutions. Years passed and no matter how much I value my job as an OM/escalation specialist I had to give it up to spend more time with my child. I tried my luck once again and applied for a new job position which is being a virtual executive assistant supporting clients from their outlook/Gmail emails, connecting with their clients, calendar management, travel request, call scheduling, and availability research.

In my two months of being a VA, I felt like this is exactly what my heart wants and with this small knowledge that I have, I will definitely use it as a tool to grow more and learn more.

I’d like to try my best and luck once again.

For a copy of Jhimcel’s resume please click here.