Clair Razalo – Social Media Management, SEO Specialist

“Engage, Enlighten, Encourage and especially…just be yourself! Social media is a community effort, everyone is an asset.” – Susan Cooper

Hi! My name is Clair, and I believe that I am your next Virtual Assistant and Social Media Management Specialist.

I must admit it is really difficult to talk about myself but as the quote above says: “just be yourself!”. So here are some things that you need to know about Clair, the multi-faceted person that is myself.

  • I have 2 cats.
  • Coffee is my morning, afternoon, and evening elixir.
  • My love for the outdoors is all-consuming and ever-growing. I love to climb mountains!
  • Before the pandemic, my weekly social activity was playing trivia games with friends.
  • I binge-watch True Crime documentaries to relax.
  • I love working out but I also love to eat good food.
  • I spend a LOT of time on the internet.

Now that you know random facts about me, here is my educational background. I studied Bachelor of Science in Development Communication majoring in Educational Communication. Here, I learned about the power of communication and the importance of the internet and social media to the ever-changing media landscape.

After college, my interests shifted to food. I know it was such a 180 to change my field but I was really drawn to good food. So I took up Culinary Arts in Holistic Nutrition. The kitchen was such an intense place! Cooking in a kitchen is extremely stressful and frankly a bit insane. It takes a certain personality type and a serious dedication to be successful in that environment. In the kitchen I learned to work under intense pressure, with diverse personalities, hot-headed chefs, and perfectionism with the food that you will serve. Looking back to my kitchen days, I am grateful for the experience because it taught me hard-work, perseverance, passion, and dedication to the job.

After being a chef, I worked at a travel agency as a customer relations officer for 5 years until the pandemic started. I loved that job. I faced different kinds of people each day. I managed our ticketing business and I would love to apply my knowledge from that experience in this new endeavour. I always face clients on a daily basis and I love to make their lives easier. But Miss Rona (as in Coronavirus) really had to destroy 2020. The travel and tourism industry has been decimated by the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.

With my income gone, I searched for the one thing that would never let me down. The Internet. I googled online jobs that I am confident that I can do. I started to freelance without a clue of how it works – but I started small by doing various tasks like lead generation, spinning articles and verifying data.

Luckily, a friend referred me to this SEO marketing company that works with HVAC clients and there I worked on setting up their Google My Business, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and FB Pixels. I also managed their Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram. After setting up their online presence, I managed their website on WordPress/Squarespace/Select on Site. I learned to build pages using Elementor, WordPress Themes, plugins, and SEO tools to improve their Google rankings. I helped the team with admin tasks and I am very familiar with Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. I learned how to design with Canva, checked with Grammarly, and even installed their call tracking at CallRail. It felt amazing to learn new skills while contributing to the success of my clients.

I am confident that I could be a great addition to your team, as not only do I have experience in being a virtual assistant/SEO specialist, I also have a strong foundation in dealing with all kinds of people with my customer service background and that’s what makes me a very competent candidate and an asset to your company. I know that I am a fast-learner and I am eager to face new challenges. I always like to learn new things, upgrade my skills and I am reliable. I am open to criticism and will always look for ways to improve myself and my work. As you can read in my life story, I am flexible and adaptable to change.

For a copy of Clair’s resume please click here.