Mary Egao – Customer Service Representative

mary-shield-alegre-vaHi, My name is Mary Shield but you can call me “Shield”.

I am a graduate of 2 years vocational course which is Travel and Tourism Management. The reason why I did not pursue a Bachelor’s degree is because I got pregnant at a very young age. I was popular in high school as I was one of the members of the dance group, cheerleader, and a majorette, and he was a basketball player. We spent a lot of time together. He used to watch me during my dance practice and competition and I watched him, too. I was very outgoing, not shy at all. I lived independently since my mother is an OFW and I didn’t get the chance to meet my father.

I started realising over these years that all those things in my teenage life were worth giving up, because of my kids. I am a very lucky mother and a better person for them. One of the reasons why I always work harder is because of my kids.

I have 8 years of experience in the BPO industry. I was a customer service, technical, sales, email and chat support person for 5 years and a team leader for 3 mary-shield-alegre-vayears. With my last position in the company, I learned to be detail-oriented which will help me in this client-driven role because I’ll always have prepared answers to questions clients haven’t asked yet.

I have grown into one of the top-performing agents and have even built my own top-performing team. My time with my previous employer for 8 years has been very productive, enjoyable, and filled with tremendous personal growth.
Because of this pandemic, I had to resign because it is not safe for me and my family to have a job where you are exposed every day. I took the risk of quitting my job for the safety of my family. I decided to find a home-based job right now and stay at home with my kids. While doing my research for a home-based job, the most in-demand right now is a VA since I have also read that it doesn’t require a specific degree. I am really hoping and praying that the skills and experience I have will make getting started easier and will help with landing my first few clients.

For a copy of Mary’s resume please click here.