Maria Singson – Digital Marketing

maria-vivian-ruth-singson-vaMy story is an interesting one and I feel like every day, I am actually in a shooting. They say I have a gift. And at this point in time, I think I actually have one, no, sorry not just one but a lot. I have to thank someone up there for that.

The road though was not that easy. It was crooked and rough. Often times, I would trip and fall and lay on that road for a long time. I do manage to get up though and get back on track, until I trip again and again and again.

Hey, it`s okay to fall down a lot of times. The important thing is that after you get up, you think about the reason why you fell. That has always been my principle in life. I know that if I find the reason for everything that happened, I am bound to make less mistakes moving forward.

I see people listening to me, believing in my ideas and even people following in my footsteps. They probably felt I was on the right track. I found that amusing because when I was a child, I did not do well in school and I was always cooped up in my room. I didn`t like to be with huge crowds and I never did what ‘normal teenagers’ do.

maria-vivian-ruth-singson-vaI was never lucky with relationships. I didn`t know why when in fact, when I love someone, I give my all. I later found out that, and that proved to be disastrous, people tend to abuse you most of the time. I do not think people are bad per se. I think circumstances make them bad, or make them do bad things. I am not one who judges people too because my whole life, I am probably one of the most judged persons in the world. People find it hard to understand me but really, I am just a simple girl with simple wants and needs.

My kids are my priority. I found that life gets easier and you will never stray from your path if you set down your priorities and always remember them no matter what comes your way. My kids are my greatest blessings. They are the source of my strength and motivation. Everything happens for a reason and if those sacrifices in the past were meant for me to be stronger for my children, then I would gladly go through them again if need be.

Life is simple. People just make it complicated. You do good, you get rewarded. You do bad, you suffer the consequences but that doesn`t mean you cannot be a good person anymore. I never thought of hardships as punishment. They are lessons meant to make you into a better person.

This is me, a woman of strength and wisdom, a leader, meant to guide and inspire people about life and surviving. It is nice to find your purpose in life. And when all is said and done, and when I meet my Creator, all I need to hear from Him are the words, “A job well done.”

For a copy of Maria’s resume please click here.